Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Not Nattering

Directly in the face of today's ubiquitous mindless blather and other contemptuously supercilious twaddle, let's take some time to remember the importance with which one used to address their thoughts. People paid heed to the use of their words and we should live in their likeness. When most of us are intellectually satisfied by mere newsprint and eloquent online periodicals, I will strive to provide a lagniappe of historical quotes. I have started here with the author of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, as his prose symbolize a brass ring of meaning, eloquence and incisiveness.

Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia

"Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time, who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done, if we are always doing. And that you may be always doing good, my dear, is the ardent prayer of yours affectionately." Thomas Jefferson, letter to Martha Jefferson, May 5, 1787

I will endeavor to be less idle and more frequent with my posts.



  1. Thank you for this gift. A lot to be said for the Protestant ethic.
    beingmanly luck out

  2. Even the greatest wordsmiths blathered as well. Churchill, Lincoln spring to mind.

  3. Brummagem Joe,

    Thank you for contributing. I concede to the length of the aforementioned characters' speeches with two caveats. While Churchill was prone to interminable hyperbole, he made a point. Lincoln could be prone to loquaciousness, but not without answering the matters at hand and persuading his audience. Among his most valued remarks is the Gettysburg Address weighs in at just over 270 words, depending upon version referenced.


    P.S. Excellent screen name brimming with history!



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